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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Playful communication strategies

Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Playful communication strategies
Explore your team's patterns of behaviour and discover new communications strategies

Tailored themes

Are there any obstacles to good communication in your team? Would you like to expose existing patterns and explore new paths together? A preliminary consultation allows you to define your topics with the workshop leader so that a programme can be tailored for you. In the workshop itself, the chosen themes are then worked through in entertaining and inspiring ways.

Challenging exercises

Two people sit opposite each other, each with a sheet of paper and a pen. Each has to draw the other, but there are rules: you can't look at the sheet while you're drawing, the pencil must never be set down, and the sheet has to be turned over at the end.
Before you start, you will have a chance to discuss your expectations. Do you think you'll be able to draw your opponent in accordance with the rules? Will your counterpart be recognisable? After the exercise, the drawings are examined, evaluated and discussed in relation to your initial expectations.

Other exercises for your team:

  • Count up to 40 without two people speaking at the same time. After several failures, you will want to find strategies to reach the goal.
  • A finger coordination exercise will be demonstrated, and participants have to follow suit. Laughter all-round, if it doesn't work! And because laughter is a normal human reaction to failure, you can use this potential for everyday learning strategies.
  • Obstacle racing with remote-controlled cars - one person is responsible for the speed, one for the steering, one for the brakes. It gets tricky!

    A balance between chaos and control

    The point with all these exercises is to find a balance between chaos and control, to foster communication between participants, to expose entrenched patterns of behaviour, and to learn new strategies - and all in a fun and playful way. Humour is at the forefront of this workshop!

    The workshop leaders

    Toni Caradonna is a qualified physicist with experience in philosophy and mathematics too. He attended circus school in London, toured with the circus, and later trained as a higher education teacher. Since 1998 he has worked as adult educator all over the world. Tom Greder studied Human Movement (Education) in Australia and has been working as an artist, adult educator and dramaturge worldwide since 1988. Chris Torsani studied philosophy, after which he worked as marketing and communication manager for various companies in the sports industry, and has been a freelance coach, trainer and seminar leader in Europe and America since 2001.

Size of group

10 to 200 people


2-4 h


all year round


Throughout Switzerland

Required infrastructure

Seminar, conference, or training venue


German, French, English

Costs [CHF]

10 to 35 pers. 2,500.00  flat-rate
35 to 80 pers. 3,200.00  flat-rate
80 to 200 pers. 5,000.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Initial consultation
-   Tailored preparations
-   All requisite materials
-   Debriefing
-   Workshop leaders' travel costs

Not included

-   Venue hire
-   Accommodation costs for workshop leaders where workshops extend over more than one day

Optional extras

Introductory presentation
-   Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Ethereum: chances and opportunities

Customers also booked

Customers' views on this offer

Robin Frei, Gubemo AG


Wir möchten uns bedanken für den tollen Nachmittag, es waren alle sehr zufrieden mit dem Programm.

Anna Marty, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald


Grundsätzlich gefiel allen Teilnehmern, dass die Themen «spielerisch» behandelt wurden und nicht durch reine Theorie beigebracht wurde. Ebenfalls konnten sie an eigenem Leib erfahren wie schwierig es ist Veränderungen zu machen. Alles in allem gefiel der Workshop allen und bleibt und sicherlich lange im Gedächtnis.

Rudolf Gasser, Die Schweizerische Post


Mit dem Trainer haben wir mit unserem Team einen ebenso vergnüglichen wie lehrreichen Halbtag verbracht. Der Coach hat es vorzüglich verstanden, uns auf spielerische, phantasievolle Weise mit einer Vielzahl mitgebrachter Requisiten Funktionsweisen der Team- und persönlichen Kommunikation aufzuzeigen. Das Team hat den Anlass sichtlich genossen und Denkanstösse aufgenommen, die auch im beruflichen Alltag zur Glättung möglicher Turbulenzen beitragen werden.

Cornelia Baschnagel, E. Baschnagel AG


Herr Caradonna hat sich mit unsere Themenschwerpunkten auseinandergesetzt und liess unsere Mitarbeitenden verschiedene Erkenntnisse auf spielerische und spannende Art erarbeiten und erfahren.
Aufkommende firmenspezifische Diskussionen integrierte er spontan in sein Programm. Wach und geistesgegenwärtig wie er ist, schlug er sogar Lösungsansätze vor.
Es war ein durchwegs gelungener, überraschend andersartiger Workshop an dem alle Teilnehmenden sichtlich Spass hatten.

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